Quick Start on Mac

Setup development

Fantas will Visual Studio Mac 2022 or superior.


  • Install from file... and select the Fantas.Extension.mpack.

Create new project

After installing Visual Studio Mac extension, create a new project using File New Project:


The extension added options to create a new game for Desktop, macOS (native), Android, iOS and tvOS

Or Using dotnet new command line

If you want to create new game using new .NET instead of the classic you can do from the command line:

  • Install Fantas templates for dotnet new.
dotnet new install Fantas.Templates

This will install .NET Fantas templates, you can crate a new desktop game doing

mkdir MyGame
cd MyGame
dotnet new fantas-desktop

This are the templates available:

--------------------------------------------  --------------  --------  ---------------------------
Fantas Android Game (.NET)                    fantas-android  [C#]      android/mobile/games
Fantas Desktop DirectX Game (.NET - Windows)  fantas-directx  [C#]      desktop/games/windows
Fantas Desktop Game (.NET)                    fantas-desktop  [C#]      desktop/games/linux/windows
Fantas iOS Game (.NET)                        fantas-ios      [C#]      ios/games
Fantas macOS Game (.NET)                      fantas-mac      [C#]      macos/games
Fantas tvOS Game (.NET)                       fantas-tvos     [C#]      tvos/games